Gum recession is a major factor of tooth loss.

You’ll be surprised how many patients come to my practice complaining about bleeding gums, or increased hot/cold sensitivity… normally the first signs of gum disease.

So when I take a look into their mouths to see a row of receding gums, I know something needs to be done, fast, to avoid future problems.

Some patients are adamant they’ve impeccable oral hygiene, but receding gums can happen for a variety of reasons. You’ve just got to notice the early warning signs and get them treated as soon as possible.

Here’s an interesting article that provides a little background knowledge on gum recession, how and why it happens and what treatments are on offer to combat further issues.

I wonder if you realised that aggressive tooth brushing was a contributor of gum recession?

How can that be, you may ask? Yes, while keeping your mouth clean is vital to prevent further decay or damage, excessive brushing can actually destroy the tooth enamel and weaken gums.

So what do you do if you’ve noticed your gums are receding, or are encountering symptoms associated with gum disease?

My advice is to book yourself in for a thorough assessment. If left unattended and the gums recede far enough to expose roots, bacteria can build causing pain and possibly eventual tooth loss.

For a detailed consultation, or some advice on how to keep your teeth and gums healthy, give us a call on 020 8088 2079.

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