New Year, New You? 9 Top Tips To Achieve Your New Year Resolutions

Today, resolving to change and improve yourself and your life is an almost unavoidable part of the transition to a new year. Though it’s a very well documented fact that most New Year’s resolutions fail, we keep making them—and we’re not alone. The custom of making New Year’s resolutions is most common in the West, but it happens all over the world.           

If is thought that over 80% of New Year’s resolutions are broken by early February.

 So, if you’re going to be in the 20% of people who make their resolutions work, here are some tips to help you be successful:

  1. Focus on one resolution at a time, rather several;
  2. Set realistic, specific goals. Losing weight is not a specific goal. Losing 10 pounds in 90 days would be;
  3. Don’t wait until New Year’s Eve to make resolutions. Make it a year long process, every day;
  4. Take small steps. Many people quit because the goal is too big, requiring too big a step all at once;
  5. Have an accountability buddy, someone close to you that you have to report to;
  6. Celebrate your success between milestones. Don’t wait the goal to be finally completed;
  7. Focus your thinking on new behaviors and thought patterns. You have to create new pathways in your brain to change habits;
  8. Focus on the present. What’s the one thing you can do today, right now, towards your goal?
  9. Be mindful. Become aware of your inner state as each external event happens, moment by moment, rather than living in the past or future.

At Brightside Dental, we find many many people resolve to improve the condition of their mouth in the new year. This may be due to neglect of the health of your mouth over a period of time or making a decision to improve your smile. If you would like to improve your oral health, we can definitely help you achieve your goals and hold you accountable to excellent oral health. Give us a call on 020 88884401 or email us to see how we can help you this year.