Should You Be Flossing?

There have been a number of stories in the media recently about the cleaning of your mouth- flossingtoothbrushes, toothpastes, mouthwash and floss. The biggest question that has come up is, do we really need to floss? Most people are already used to just brushing alone, but many are asking if it is really important to floss too.

At Brightside Dental, our recommendation is:

Yes! We do need to floss once a day before brushing our teeth. Flossing cleans the places that the toothbrush can’t reach. Bacterias that cause tooth decay and gum disease may develop in those area too so it is a very important part of oral hygiene.

Still not convinced?

Here are 5 reasons why flossing is really important.

  1. Flossing and brushing are more effective than brushing alone. Our teeth have 5 surfaces and brushing alone will only clean the top and outer surfaces of our teeth and gums while flossing cleans those gaps in between our teeth and gums.
  2. Flossing protects your gums, too- Tiny particles of food can get lodged in spaces of our gums and plaque in this area gets harden and later creates a tartar build up that can lead to gingivitis. Once tartar build up is there, it needs to be removed by a dental professional – you can’t do it yourself.
  3. Flossing can save you money- When you floss, you are less likely to have problems with your mouth and it can reduce your dental expenses
  4. Flossing helps prevent other diseases- Tooth and gum disease can have effects that go far beyond discoloured teeth, discomfort or bad breath.  Extensive research has shown that the bacteria that flourish in an unhealthy mouth can harm the rest of the body, leading to heart disease, diabetes and respiratory illness, as well as many other potential problems.
  5. Flossing prevents tartar build-up – Flossing allows you to remove the plaque that causes tartar while it’s in its early form: sticky, but soft and pliable. Since plaque doesn’t harden into tartar until it’s been undisturbed for a period of time, regular flossing can keep buildup from happening.

There are many brands and styles of floss – which one you choose doesn’t matter as much as using it regularly and in the correct way. There are also alternatives to floss such as interdental brushes, which can be more appropriate, for example if you have larger spaces between your teeth.

If you could like any further advice, give us a call on 020 88884401.