4 MORE possible reasons behind your bleeding gums

Last week I explained a few potential reasons behind why your gums are bleeding. This week, I’m going to share four more with you!

Occasional oral bleeding can occur through harmless means, such as rough foods scratching your gums, but if blood regularly shows up in the sink then a more serious situation may be to blame…

  1. Pregnancy.

Hormonal changes during menstruation and pregnancy can increase the chances of having bleeding gums. There are some women who experience regular hormonal gingivitis associated with their monthly cycle! Hormonal changes in pregnancy also increase the risk of developing gingivitis or periodontitis, because they alter the body’s response to the bacteria that cause gum disease. If you think your hormones might be causing your gums to bleed, ask your dentist for advice on how to adapt your oral health routine.

  1. Smoking.

Smokers are at a higher risk of experiencing bleeding gums and an increase in periodontal disease for a variety of reasons. Inhaled smoke can leave irritating toxins on the teeth that can be difficult to remove through brushing. These unhealthy substances can cause the gums to become aggravated and bleed. Smokers can also have a compromised immune response to infection, along with issues with proper healing and oxygenation of the blood supply – all of which can negatively influence your gums. Quit smoking and your gums will thank you!

  1. Misalignment.

Most people think that crooked teeth are just an aesthetic problem. Well, that’s far from the truth. Crooked and misaligned teeth not only interfere with proper chewing, but can also increase your chances of gum disease. Well-aligned teeth are easy to clean. If your teeth are crooked, cleaning up the food that gets caught between them becomes much harder, and leftover plaque can cause your gums to bleed, leading to other forms of gum disease. If you have a severe overbite, your lower front teeth may come in contact with the gum tissue of the upper teeth and cause irritation to the gums, resulting in gum recession.

Regular visits to your dentist are essential to get your teeth professionally cleaned if you’re having trouble. And if your misalignment is severe, your dentist may advise you to get them corrected with teeth straightening techniques.

  1. Diet.

Consuming a nutritionally poor diet doesn’t just wreak havoc on maintaining a healthy body… if you don’t eat the recommended daily servings of fresh vegetables, fruit, grains, dairy and protein, you could be setting your gums up for inflammation. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an important defence. A combination of good oral hygiene and overall health is the best prevention when it comes to gum problems.


Now don’t worry, there is good news!

By changing certain habits today, right now, you can slash your risk of gum disease or even completely stop it in its tracks.

And if you want to book yourself in for an appointment, feel free to give us a call on 020 8088 2079.