Easter Grinch

So, here we are, at Easter already.

I can’t quite believe how fast the year is going, but the time has come once again for me to do my dentistry duty, and be the one voice of caution during the most chocolately time of the year.

I’m no Easter Grinch, I promise, but hopefully this email will help you navigate the Easter period, while keeping your teeth and mouth in the healthiest place possible.

Quick bit of science…

Before I get onto the advice, let me just briefly explain exactly what happens when we consume sugary foods and drinks:

1.    The sugar reacts with the bacteria in our mouths

2.    This creates acid, which can then attack the enamel on our teeth

3.    As the enamel erodes, this can lead to cavities and tooth decay

4.    The more sugar, the more acid, and the higher the risk of dental problems

Most chocolate is very high in sugar, which means we’ve got to be careful during Easter not to overconsume, and produce more acid as a result.

With that in mind, here are my 4 pointers for getting through Easter safely:

#1 – Not all chocolate is created equal

The main issue with chocolate is the sugar content, so it’s worth bearing that in mind when you’re choosing what to eat.  Dark chocolate has less sugar than both milk and white, plus it contains antioxidants, so it’s a better bet if you’re trying to look after your teeth and your health.

#2 – Everything in moderation

Most of us like to have the occasional treat – the operative word there is occasional. 

Limiting the amount of the sweet things is sensible, but it’s also sensible to be aware of the frequency: if you have chocolate many times over the day, you’re consistently producing acid, and your teeth are constantly under attack.

#3 – Drink water and chew gum

Drinking water doesn’t just keep you hydrated – drinking after eating something sweet will help you wash away residual sugar and acid in your mouth.

Similarly, chewing sugar-free gum can stimulate saliva, which helps to neutralise acid and wash away sugar and food particles.

#4 Last but not least, brush and floss…

Obvious, but critical – brushing and flossing regularly is essential to remove plaque and food particles from your teeth and gums.

However, it’s important you don’t brush for at last 20-30 minutes after eating, otherwise you’re brushing the acid around your teeth.

Right, that’s it from me – I hope this helps you enjoy your Easter sensibly and safely!