7 Top Tips To Deal With Homeschooling Like A Pro

With schools closed and the UK in another lockdown, parents are again faced with the challenging prospect of helping their kids keep on top of their studies.

If you are managing your children’s virtual and home-based education, you know how home learning can be challenging for both parents and students. 

Here are seven tops tips to organise your children’s homeschool learning:

1) Create a designated learning space if possible – Homeschooling can be fun, exciting, and often messy. Keep your children’s study materials organized and designated a specific learning space where they keep supplies and books.

2) Follow a daily schedule – Homeschooling brings a wonderful level of flexibility and spontaneity to children’s education. Consider creating and following a daily schedule. You can always adapt, but a schedule gives your child focus and direction each day.

3) Map out the school week ahead of time – Plan out your school week to track progress and your goals, and plan out big projects whenever you get details of lessons in advance. You can use organization charts, mind maps, road maps or flow charts. 

4) Set learning goals together – Have a vision and a plan of where you want to go (learning outcomes). Outline some key learning objectives for your child ahead of time. This is also a great opportunity to teach your child goal-setting skills and best practices.

5) Make learning a family activity – Is there a subject or activity that the family enjoys? Lean into that and make it more fun and relevant to the family to enhance enjoyment and effectiveness of learning.

6) Collaborate with other homeschoolers – Connect online with other homeschoolers and parents from school online to collaborate and share resources.

7) Be patient – Don’t be afraid to experiment with your learning styles and schedule. Listen to your child and pay attention to what works well for them and adapt as needed. It can be very hard for everyone with tempers becoming frayed. Take a step back and regular breaks as needed.

Here are some further resources which may help you and also other activities that can be done with your children:

6 tips for homeschooling during Coronavirus

How to turn a home into a school without losing your sanity

How to keep your kids educated at home during lockdown